Sunday, September 18, 2011

Troisième semaine de classe

This week, we kept the children busy with lots of fun projects. Here is a bit of what we have done together.

We made prints of our hands and feet to represent the family of LPF. It was a fun project!

Attention, ça glisse !

Happy feet and happy hands!
 We started our project on the different family members "tracing, sorting and gluing pictures of people. We started to paint "la fille et le garçon". We used various people in the classroom for this project and children helped with tracing.

Le garçon
Le papa

On colle des photos et on s'amuse à décorer la famille.

We continued to decorate name tags and work on name recognition.

Je décore mon étiquette

Moi aussi !

Je coche les lettres de mon prénom

Print with sponges and cars, a great way to encourage fine motor skills!

Éponges et voitures

We started to work on the letter A and sang songs and nursery rhymes: "La lettre A a deux jambes" and "A petits pas la petite Alma".

Les Chenilles en action avec la lettre A

Les Papillons en action avec la lettre A

Some of the special books we read: "Je veux ma maman", "Les bons amis", "Tchoupi fête son anniversaire".

Un livre à avoir !

Les amis, c'est comme une famille !

Chouette pour célébrer l'anni des copains !

We have lots of fun outside during recess and group exercise. We play group games with the numbers 1,2,3 "jump, run, turn around, stop".

1,2,3, On saute !

We celebrated Théo's third birthday. His dad brought us some delicious homemade treats to class. Madame la directrice made him a crown with stickers to make him feel extra special.
Avec ma couronne, je suis le roi de la journée !

Heureux dans les bras de Julia

On danse autour du roi !

On chante tous ensemble !

J'ai trois ans ! Je suis grand !

Keep in mind that we work on a lot of things at school. We share some of the activities on the blog, but can't fit everything.

See you next week!

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